EXPLORING Ulster County: 1683-2013 Celebrating 330 Years of Ulster County

Welcome to the Exploring Ulster County Poster Project, an exhibit of colorful, insightful and imaginative posters!  Fourth grade students from public and private schools throughout Ulster County submitted posters to this exhibit.  The students were given the opportunity to interpret “Explore Ulster County” in their own way and in any medium.  The unique style and content of each poster shows the creativity and talent that our students possess.

Visual arts give students a window into the world around them, teaching them about their own history and culture, as well as those of other people.  Seeing their work gives us a window into their world – a world of insight, surprise, and beauty.  We are delighted by their vision and thank them for their contributions.

We truly believe that the students’ artistry and creativity is a wonderful achievement worth celebrating!


Companion resources for this exhibit include: