"Earthday Everyday" was created using everyday objects and recycled materials by talented youth of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County |
1st Ulster Militia - Guests were able to interact with colonial era reenactors including the doctor, his scribe, the gamesman, the laundress, the cook and of course, militia soldiers. |
1st Ulster Militia Reenactor Hank Yost spoke about the events leading up to the Burning of Kingston |
2021-D&H Canal Historical Society Historian Bill Merchant met with guests and talked about the society’s museum and the Five Locks Walk, a National Historic Landmark. |
An unplanned meet-up at the Persen House of people representing Kingston’s history and art. |
Friends of Historic Kingston share their vast knowledge of Kingston while visitors learned about the house as well as Historic Huguenot Street’s new “Pathway to the Ballot Box” immersive theatre program. |
Judy Abbott of Save Native Sites Introducing Chief Mark Peters |
Local historian and filmmaker Stephen Blauweiss hosted on many dates throughout the season to show a full-color draft of his upcoming 450-page book, with co-author Karen Berelowitz, about historic Kingston and Ulster County. |
MyKingstonKids Red K Reading Lounge |
Plein Air watercolor and drawing demonstration done by instructor Staats Fasoldt of the Woodstock School of Art. |
Professor Emeritus of Biology, Don Terpening presented various medicines, implements, and techniques that were used by physicians during the Revolutionary War. |
Save Native Sites hosted a video presentation from Chief Mark Peters, historian for the Munsee-Delaware Nation, on the history of the Munsee people, where they lived and where they are now. |
The Veterans in a New Field performed various songs of the Irish Brigade in the Civil War and songs of World War I |
Visitors joined the Red Feather Singers and Drummers for a day of Native American drumming, crafts and artifacts. |
“A Sampling of Kingston History Then & Now” presented by Blauweiss Media – a mini walking tour all in one room at this exhibition which featured selected highlights of historic buildings that still exist as well as those that have been lost or altered. |
“Voting for Kids” is filled with fun facts, activities, games, puzzles and more! Visitors were able to pick up a copy of the booklet as well as voter registration information and were also invited to try colonial-era games and vote for their favorite! |
1st Ulster Militia Winter Encampment |
Colonial Game Days Presented by the Ulster County Clerk's Office-1 |
Colonial Game Days Presented by the Ulster County Clerk's Office-2 |
Colonial Game Days Presented by the Ulster County Clerk's Office-3 |
Costumed Figure Drawing Demonstration with Woodstock School of Art Instructor Les Castellanos |
County Clerk Exhibit on Ceramics from the Archaeological Excavation with Kingston School District "Fingerprint on History" exhibit in the back. |
Historic Tools and Implement Exhibit by Ulster County Historical Society Board Member Bill Merchant |
Members from Kingston Land Trust present information about their on-going efforts to secure the Pine Street African Burial Ground site. |
Opening Day Historic Marker Unveiling-1 County Clerk Nina Postupack |
Opening Day Historic Marker Unveiling-2 Mayor Steve Noble |
Opening Day Historic Marker Unveiling-3 Legislator Brian Woltman |
Opening Day Historic Marker Unveiling-4 Kingston Historian Ed Ford Speaks |
Opening Day Historic Marker Unveiling-5 1st Ulster Militia |
Opening Day Historic Marker Unveiling-6 1st Ulster Militia Kicks Off Unveiling |
Opening Day Historic Marker Unveiling-7 |
Opening Day Historic Marker Unveiling-8 |
Red Feather Singers & Drummers |
Save Native Sites Indigenous Peoples Day Program - Jadina Lilien, Artist and Healing Arts Facilitator of the Ancestral Constellations, led a guided silence connecting us to our ancestors, the heart and the Earth as one living being with a shared destiny. |
Save Native Sites Indigenous Peoples Day Program - Tiokasin Ghosthorse (shown here putting his pin in the map) spoke about our relationship to Earth, and how the Lakota language connects with all of Life. |
Society for Creative Anachronism Fighting Demonstration |
Society for Creative Anachronism presents Life in the Middle Ages |
Woodstock School of Art Interactive Art Making at the O+ Festival-1 |
Woodstock School of Art Interactive Art Making at the O+ Festival-2 |
1st Ulster Militia - Dr. Terpening Demonstrates Colonial Dental Care |
County Archivist Taylor Bruck Introduces New Paltz Historian Susan Stessin-Cohn for her talk on the Ulster County Poorhouse System |
Red Feather Singers Present Drumming with the Cloudbreakers-1 |
Red Feather Singers Present Drumming with the Cloudbreakers-2 |
Ulster County Historian Geoff Miller Honoring Retired City of Kingston Historian Edwin M. Ford |
Underground Tales County Clerk Artifact Exhibit-1 |
Underground Tales County Clerk Artifact Exhibit-2 |
Underground Tales County Clerk Artifact Exhibit-3 |
Artifact Exhibit by Dr. Joseph Diamond, Associate Professor at SUNY New Paltz-1 |
Artifact Exhibit by Dr. Joseph Diamond, Associate Professor at SUNY New Paltz-2 |
Marks and Their Makers: Native American Signs from the Ulster County Archives Exhibit |
Persen House Historical Records Exhibit Featured in July 3, 2017 Daily Freeman Article by Ariel Zangla, Photos by Tania Barricklo-1 |
Persen House Historical Records Exhibit Featured in July 3, 2017 Daily Freeman Article by Ariel Zangla, Photos by Tania Barricklo-2 |
Students from St. Joseph's School visit and take a tour. |
Visit from Members of the Dutch Consulate and New York State Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation-1 |
Visit from Members of the Dutch Consulate and New York State Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation-2 |
Women's Fashion in the Colonial Era |
Woodstock School of Art 2017 |
Woodstock School of Art 2017-2 |
Woodstock School of Art 2017-3 |
Woodstock School of Art 2017-4 |
Woodstock School of Art Instructor Staats Fasoldt presents the framed watercolor painting created at the Persen House to County Clerk Nina Postupack. |
"Gysbert's Inventory" Permanent Exhibit is Installed at Persen House-1 |
"Gysbert's Inventory" Permanent Exhibit is Installed at Persen House-2 |
D&H Canal Historical Society Exhibit 2016 |
D&H Canal Historical Society Presentation 2016 |
Rock of Ages - 280 million year old sandstone on display at Persen House. The owners of the property where it was found and the rock itself, Ms. Ina Kramer and Mr. and Mrs. Del Villar have lent it for exhibit in July. |
UC Clerk's Colonial Game Day 2016-1 |
UC Clerk's Colonial Game Day 2016-2 |
Ulster County Clerk Nina Postupack is interviewed about the new permanent exhibit "Gysbert's Inventory" |
Van Imbroch Family Descendants 2016 |
Woman of Note Exhibit |
A New Feature in 2015 - Place a pin for your hometown! |
Ellenville Public Library & Museum exhibit "Early Days of the Ulster County Fair" |
Rondout Revisited presented by The Reher Center for Immigrant Culture and History-1 |
Rondout Revisited presented by The Reher Center for Immigrant Culture and History-2 |
Colonial Game Day 2014 |
Heritage Folk Music 2014 |
People of Persen - Discovering the Van Imbroch's Exhibit-1 |
People of Persen - Discovering the Van Imbroch's Exhibit-2 |
Plattekill Historical Society Grange Exhibit 2014-1 |
Plattekill Historical Society Grange Exhibit 2014-2 |
Plattekill Historical Society Grange Exhibit 2014-3 |
TRANSART presents "Somebody’s Calling My Name Free and Half Free"—A chronology of people of African Descent in the Hudson River Valley-1 (Photos by Jim Peppler) |
TRANSART presents "Somebody’s Calling My Name Free and Half Free"—A chronology of people of African Descent in the Hudson River Valley-2 (Photos by Jim Peppler) |
TRANSART presents "Somebody’s Calling My Name Free and Half Free"—A chronology of people of African Descent in the Hudson River Valley-3 (Photos by Jim Peppler) |
Hank Yost - 1st Ulster Militia 2013 |
Red Feather Drummers 2013 |
Red Feather Drummers Display 2013 |
The British Brigade - 16th Queen's Light Dragoons 2013 |
The British Brigade - 16th Queen's Light Dragoons 2013-2 |
The British Brigade - 16th Queen's Light Dragoons Colonial Dress Exhibit 2013 |
The British Brigade - 16th Queen's Light Dragoons Colonial Dress Exhibit 2013-2 |
Hudson Valley Vernacular Architecture Features the Persen House in their September 2012 Newsletter |
Ulster County Civil War Sesquicentennial Committee |
Colonial Game Day 2011-1 |
Colonial Game Day 2011-2 |
SUNY New Paltz Graduate Metal Program presents "Persen: Place & Things" Exhibit |
SUNY New Paltz Graduate Metal Program presents "Persen: Place & Things" Exhibit - Artwork by Myra Mimlitsch-Gray |
A Guided Tour of the House |
Closing Day 2010 Celebration of Guest Hosts and Interns-1 |
Closing Day 2010 Celebration of Guest Hosts and Interns-2 |
Closing Day 2010 Celebration of Guest Hosts and Interns-3 |
Closing Day 2010 Celebration of Guest Hosts and Interns-4 |
Fall Festival 2010 Colonial Games |
Fall Festival 2010 Pumpkin Contest Drawing |
Fall Festival 2010 Pumpkin Decorating Contest |
Fall Festival 2010 Storyteller Karen Pillsworth |
Opening Day - Student Interns with County Clerk Nina Postupack and County Executive Michael Hein |
The British Brigade - 16th Queen's Light Dragoons 2010 |
The British Brigade - 16th Queen's Light Dragoons 2010-2 |