Nina Postupack, Ulster County Clerk, Announces Native American Artwork Display by Judith Boggess at the Matthewis Persen House Museum
Kingston, NY - Ulster County Clerk Nina Postupack is pleased to announce that a new exhibit of Native American Artwork by Judith Boggess will be displayed at the Matthewis Persen House through the remainder of the season. The Persen House is located at 74 John Street in uptown Kingston and will be open Saturdays from 10am-2pm through October 28, 2023. Admission is free and all are welcome.
Starting this Saturday, September 1, Judith Boggess (Grandmother Judith Laughing Owl) will be exhibiting a series of Native American oil paintings. Judith is inspired by Native Americans she personally knows or has met on the PowWow trail, and by her involvement with the ANA. Her work stands as a testament to her dedication to preserving Native American traditions, songs, and language.
County Clerk Postupack expressed her enthusiasm for this exhibition, stating, “We are excited to host Judith’s beautiful artwork at the Persen House again this season. Her passion for sharing Native American history and culture is evident in her paintings. We are honored to have such a wonderful representation of Native American heritage on display.”
For more information about the Matthewis Persen House Museum and other outreach programs of the Ulster County Clerk's Office, please contact County Clerk Nina Postupack at (845) 340-3040 or countyclerk[at]co.ulster.ny[dot]us. You can also visit us on Facebook for updates and details about upcoming events.