Kingston, NY - In celebration of Women’s History Month, Ulster County Clerk Nina Postupack is pleased to announce the third display in the “Historical Profiles” series. The profile will feature pilot and community activist Gale Brownlee and will be on display for the month of March on the 1st floor of the Ulster County Office Building, 244 Fair Street, Kingston.
“Gale Brownlee – Dauntless Aviatrix” is the third in a series of historical profiles from the Ulster County Clerk’s Office. Gale (Feeley) Brownlee was born and raised in Woodstock, New York, the granddaughter of renowned Woodstock physician Dr. Mortimer B. Downer. Throughout her career, she worked as a model, fashion designer, photographer, pilot, real estate broker, environmentalist, and activist. She was instrumental in creating the heliport at the former Benedictine Hospital and bringing the first Hospice program to Kingston. She advocated for environmental protection in and around Ulster County, flew fire watch in the Catskills and spear-headed fundraising for many important community programs.
“Gale Brownlee was a woman of indomitable spirit who fearlessly pursued her goals,” stated County Clerk Nina Postupack. “She was a leader in our community and her dedication and drive helped her to achieve any goal she set for herself. We are so pleased to showcase her many contributions in this Historical Profile.”
An online, comprehensive exhibit will soon be available on the County Clerk’s website at clerk.ulstercountyny.gov/archives. For further information about this or other outreach programs of the Ulster County Clerk’s Office, please contact County Clerk Nina Postupack at (845) 340-3040 or countyclerk[at]co.ulster.ny[dot]us or visit us on Facebook.