Court Records

On file in the Ulster County Clerk's Office are all civil and criminal records from the Supreme and County Courts in Ulster County. Copies of civil actions, criminal actions, judgments, liens and business filings are available to the public if they are not sealed documents. The following procedure can be followed to obtain copies:

Criminal Actions

The Ulster County Clerk's Office files all criminal proceedings from the Supreme and County Courts in Ulster County.  Only felony cases are filed with the our office. All town, city and village proceedings are filed in the local court.

Divorce Files

Divorce files are available to the plaintiff or defendant or their attorney of record. Divorce papers cannot be released to any other interested party. You may view or receive copies of a divorce case by mailing in a notarized letter stating the parties involved, the index number, the filing date and the type of records sought. If you appear in person at our office you must have valid identification (driver’s license, non-driver ID, US Passport, or other state or federally issued identification with a photo).

Includes Affidavits, Certificate of Dissolution, Notices, Summons’, Uncontested Matrimonial RJI, Income Withholding Orders, etc.

Domestic Partnership Registry

On November 14, 2023, the Ulster County Clerk’s Office created a Registry for Domestic Partners and accepted for filing, Affidavits of Domestic Partnerships pursuant to Local Law 9-2023.


How can I register a Domestic Partnership?

Registering a Domestic Partnership may allow you and your partner to qualify for family discounts, employee benefits, health benefits, and may open the door to legal benefits previously difficult or impossible to obtain for unmarried couples in close, committed relationships. 
