Passports for Minors

Applicants age 16-17 Only: 

If you have your own current identification document (ID), you may apply for a passport. Applicants must apply in person using the standard form and follow standard application procedures listed under Apply for a Passport with the addition of showing parental awareness.

Show Parental Awareness –You must show at least one parent or guardian knows that you are applying for a passport.  How to show parental awareness:

Recording a Deed

Recording a Deed

Deeds should be recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of the county in which the real property being transferred is located. When recording a deed, it is your responsibility to take the proper steps to ensure that the document meets the legal requirements for recording. Please be sure to consult an attorney if necessary

Recording a Mortgage

Mortgages should be recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of the county in which the real property being mortgaged is located. When recording a mortgage, it is your lender's responsibility to take the proper steps to ensure that the document meets all of the legal requirements for recording. Please be sure to consult an attorney if necessary

Records Management

In October 1987, the Legislature unanimously approved Local Law Number 5 providing for the creation of a Records Management Program and the appointment of a Records Management Officer. The Records Management Program is operated under the auspices of the County Clerk and provides the county with a state-of-the-art records storage facility, as well as a micrographics & scanning production laboratory, and the County Archives.

Renew a Passport

While the Ulster County Clerk’s Office is happy to assist you with the renewal of your passport you may be able to renew your passport via mail.  You may apply for passport renewal by mail if you already have a passport that is not damaged, you received it within the past 15 years, and you were at least age 16 when it was issued. In order to apply via mail, you should complete an APPLICATION FOR PASSPORT BY MAIL FORM DS-82.

Includes General, Commercial, Foreclosure, and Matrimonial Addendums

Sep-Oct Native American Artwork at Persen House

Nina Postupack, Ulster County Clerk, Announces Native American Artwork Display by Judith Boggess at the Matthewis Persen House Museum


Kingston, NY - Ulster County Clerk Nina Postupack is pleased to announce that a new exhibit of Native American Artwork by Judith Boggess will be displayed at the Matthewis Persen House through the remainder of the season.  The Persen House is located at 74 John Street in uptown Kingston and will be open Saturdays from 10am-2pm through October 28, 2023. Admission is free and all are welcome. 


Learner’s Permit Tests

Driving Permit Tests for Class D and Class M licenses – Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Driving Permit Tests for CDL licenses – Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Driving Permit Tests for Standard Drivers Licenses – Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

For information on obtaining a Learners Permit go to

